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Time Is Too Short

Updated: May 22, 2023

Time is too precious to waste. I am living a life that is familiar and unfulfilling. I work 8 hours a day and 5 days a week, which means I spend less time with my family. I am trying to figure out how to work less, work smart, and spend more time with my family and friends. During this hard time with the coronavirus spreading, spending time with family and friends has become lesser. Meaning, I am restricted on how many people to see and when to see them. It is extremely depressing but I have managed to continue with my passion which is modeling, beauty, and fashion. I like to create art through expression in photography. I think pictures, music, and art are an outlet for the madness that surrounds me every day, time is too short.

The mind is so powerful, I can imagine my world in peace and serenity through all aspects of art. I hope to inspire many, to never let anyone or anything stand in the way of their goals. To accomplish one goal at a time because time continues to keep ticking and it doesn't wait, pause, or stop for no one. I am going to continue to reach my goal of becoming more whole with myself. Meaning, do what my heart desires and not continue to settle for the familiar and unfulfilling. This blog is to keep you posted on my goals. Tell me about your goals and what you are going to do to accomplish them. I tell you, the first thing you should do is to write them down and bring them to life. So Let's Go! Time Is Too Short!

Accomplishing Goals
Time Is Too Short

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